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Search results for Douglas Brinkley in AUTHOR

Rosa Parks


Douglas Brinkley


In 1955, Rosa Parks, an African-American seamstress, had no idea she was changing history when, fed up and tired, she refused to surrender her seat to a white passenger on a bus in Alabama....
Members Edition: $26.60

Publishers Edition: $29.95

You pay: $7.49

Parish Priest: Father Michael McGivney and American Catholicism


Douglas Brinkley and Julie Fenster


Is now the time for an American parish priest to be declared a Catholic saint?....
Members Edition: $23.93

Publishers Edition: $29.95

You pay: $7.49

Tour of Duty: John Kerry and the Vietnam War


Douglas Brinkley


Written by acclaimed historian Douglas Brinkley, this is the first full-scale, intimate account of John Kerry's Navy career....
Members Edition: $22.60

Publishers Edition: $25.95

You pay: $7.49

The Boys of Pointe du Hoc: Ronald Reagan, D-Day, and the U.S. Army 2nd Ranger Battalion


Douglas Brinkley


Douglas Brinkley brings the riveting account of the brave U.S. Army Rangers who stormed the coast of Normandy on D-Day and the President, 40 years later, who paid them homage....
Members Edition: $23.93

Publishers Edition: $29.95

You pay: $7.49

The Great Deluge: Hurricane Katrina, New Orleans, and the Mississippi Gulf Coast


Douglas Brinkley


In The Great Deluge, Douglas Brinkley, a New Orleans resident and professor of history at Tulane University, rips the story of Katrina apart....
Members Edition: $23.93

Publishers Edition: $29.95

You pay: $7.49

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