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Search results for Harry Harrison in AUTHOR

The Stainless Steel Rat's Revenge: Stainless Steel Rat, Book 2


Harry Harrison


The planet Cliaand is waging interstellar war, and against the odds, its Grey Men are invading and taking over planet after planet....
Members Edition: $20.99

Publishers Edition: $29.99

You pay: $7.49

The Stainless Steel Rat Returns


Harry Harrison


"Slippery Jim" diGriz, Special Corps agent, is living high on the hog on the planet Moolaplenty when a long-lost cousin and a shipful of swine arrive to drain his bank account....
Members Edition: $20.99

Publishers Edition: $29.99

You pay: $7.49

The Stainless Steel Rat for President: Stainless Steel Rat, Book 5


Harry Harrison


This time the Special Corps has given the Rat a daring assignment - liberate a backward tourist planet from the clutches of an aging dictator....
Members Edition: $20.99

Publishers Edition: $29.99

You pay: $7.49

Planet of the Damned


Harry Harrison


Brion Brandd, the winner of a kind of planet-wide Olympics of both mind and body, is called away by a previous winner to help save a planet bent on it's own destruction....
Members Edition: $12.49

Publishers Edition: $17.95

You pay: $7.49

A Stainless Steel Rat Is Born: Stainless Steel Rat, Book 6


Harry Harrison


Slippery Jim is here a brash 17-year-old who has left his parents' porcuswine farm, planning to embark on a life of crime....
Members Edition: $20.99

Publishers Edition: $29.99

You pay: $7.49

The Stainless Steel Rat Saves the World: Stainless Steel Rat, Book 3


Harry Harrison


The villainous He has travelled back in time to mankind's distant past on the legendary planet Earth (or 'Dirt') of 1984, where he is altering events so that people who opposed him in the Rat's present cease to exist....
Members Edition: $20.99

Publishers Edition: $29.99

You pay: $7.49

The Stainless Steel Rat


Harry Harrison


DiGriz is caught during one of his crimes and recruited into the Special Corps....
Members Edition: $20.99

Publishers Edition: $29.99

You pay: $7.49

Make Room! Make Room!


Harry Harrison


The world is crowded. Far too crowded. Its starving billions live on lentils, soya beans, and- if they're lucky - the odd starving rat....
Members Edition: $17.95

Publishers Edition: $25.64

You pay: $7.49

The Stainless Steel Rat Wants You: Stainless Steel Rat, Book 4


Harry Harrison


After saving the world, diGriz is called on to save the universe....
Members Edition: $20.99

Publishers Edition: $29.99

You pay: $7.49

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