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Search results for Joe Haldeman in AUTHOR

The Best of Fantasy and Science Fiction Magazine: Joe Haldeman and Others


Joe Haldeman,John Morressy,Gene Wolfe,Dale Bailey,Jerry Oltion,Terry Bisson,Richard Paul Russo,Rober


A triple issue, comprised of ten key selections of the magazine's September issue and double October/November issue.
Members Edition: $16.95

You pay: $7.49



Joe Haldeman


Joe Haldeman tells the tale of Carmen Dula's six-year journey through space to the home of The Others, where she represents Earth in hopes of forging a peace accord....
Members Edition: $24.49

Publishers Edition: $34.99

You pay: $7.49

The Hemingway Hoax


Joe Haldeman


A con artist talks an Ernest Hemingway scholar, John Baird, into attempting the forgery of Hemingway's lost novel of the 1920's....
Members Edition: $9.95

Publishers Edition: $14.21

You pay: $7.49

The Accidental Time Machine


Joe Haldeman


While working late one night, MIT research assistant Matt Fuller inadvertently stumbles upon what may be the greatest scientific breakthrough ever....
Members Edition: $31.47

Publishers Edition: $44.95

You pay: $7.49



Joe Haldeman


The artifact is found seven miles below the surface of the sea and beneath 40 more feet of sand. Denser than any substance known to man, it resists every effort to breach it....
Members Edition: $24.95

Publishers Edition: $35.64

You pay: $7.49

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