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Audible Audiobook Club is probably one of the most popular and oldest audiobook clubs out there. Thier selection is second to none and it spans across all genres. No matter what you're into, Audible Audiobook Club is sure to have it! Please use our search feature to browse the great and expanding Audible Audiobook Club selection.

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Search results for Megan McDonald in AUTHOR

Rule of Three: The Sister's Club


Megan McDonald


Middle sister Stevie considers herself to be the singer of the family, which is why she's thrilled to find out the school play is going to be a musical....
Members Edition: $17.49

Publishers Edition: $24.99

You pay: $7.49

Judy Moody & Stink: The Holly Joliday


Megan McDonald


Judy Moody is making a list and checking it twice, but all her brother, Stink wants this year is snow....
Members Edition: $6.99

Publishers Edition: $9.99

You pay: $7.49

Judy Moody & Stink: The Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad Treasure Hunt


Megan McDonald


When the Moody family drops anchor on "Artichoke" Island, they are greeted by the mysterious Cap'n Weevil, a one-eyed buccaneer with a scraggly beard and a treasure map....
Members Edition: $6.99

Publishers Edition: $9.99

You pay: $7.49

Julie: An American Girl


Megan McDonald


In this inspiring six-book American GirlĀ® collection by Megan McDonald, a fun-loving San Francisco girl faces big changes....
Members Edition: $24.49

Publishers Edition: $34.99

You pay: $7.49

Stink: Solar System Superhero, Book 5


Megan McDonald


When Stink learns that Pluto has flunked the Planet Test for being too shrimpy, he has no choice but to take a stand for the sake of little planets (and little people) everywhere.....
Members Edition: $13.27

Publishers Edition: $16.00

You pay: $7.49

The Sisters Club


Megan McDonald


Stevie hates being the middle sister, until her father points out that being the middle means she's the cream of the cookie - the glue that holds everyone together....
Members Edition: $13.99

Publishers Edition: $19.99

You pay: $7.49

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