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Search results for Wendy Corsi Staub in AUTHOR

Connecting: Lily Dale


Wendy Corsi Staub


Now that Calla has accepted her ability to communicate with the Other Side, she's desperate to connect with the one spirit whose energy she can't seem to feel anywhere: her late mother....
Members Edition: $24.00

Publishers Edition: $35.64

You pay: $7.49

Discovering: Lily Dale


Wendy Corsi Staub


After finally learning who was behind her mothers death, Calla still doesnt understand why it happened. ....
Members Edition: $24.95

Publishers Edition: $35.64

You pay: $7.49

Believing: Lily Dale


Wendy Corsi Staub


After her tumultuous summer in Lily Dale, Calla has decided to stay, hoping to unearth more about her mothers untimely death....
Members Edition: $24.95

Publishers Edition: $35.64

You pay: $7.49

Awakening: Lily Dale


Wendy Corsi Staub


Just days after her mothers sudden death in a freak accident, Calla is sent to spend the rest of the summer with her grandmother in Lily Dale, a mysterious town of psychics where nothing is really as it seems....
Members Edition: $24.95

Publishers Edition: $35.64

You pay: $7.49

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