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Eat, Pray, Love


Elizabeth Gilbert


A highly successful, award-winning author, Elizabeth Gilbert decided to trade in her apartment keys, wedding ring and earthly possessions for a solo trip around the world to find out who she really was.
Members Edition: $11.99

Publishers Edition: $15.00

You pay: $0.20

Benjamin Harrison


Charles W. Calhoun


In this well-written and entertaining biography, we learn that Harrison was a reform-minded Republican activist presiding over tariff reform, the Sherman Anti-Trust Act, and the first billion-dollar peacetime budget.
Members Edition: $13.99

Publishers Edition: $23.00

You pay: $0.20

James Monroe


Gary Hart


Former Senator Gary Hart challenges the conventional negative view of Monroe. Hart argues that the priorities of this farsighted president, particularly his concern with the border, have resonance today.
Members Edition: $13.99

Publishers Edition: $22.00

You pay: $0.20

My Life in France


Julia Child


Funny, earthy and forthright, Julia Child is with us on every page of this delightful memoir, written just before her death and completed by her grandnephew. With b&w photos by her husband, Paul Child.
Members Edition: $19.99

Publishers Edition: $25.95

You pay: $0.20

Dwight D. Eisenhower


Tom Wicker


Acclaimed journalist Tom Wicker recounts the life of one of the 20th century's most popular presidents. Wicker finds much to admire in the man, while offering a balanced assessment of his record in office.
Members Edition: $13.99

Publishers Edition: $20.00

You pay: $0.20

Lone Survivor


Marcus Luttrell


The remarkable tale of one lone Navy SEAL who spent four days fighting off a team of jihadists out to eliminate him.
Members Edition: $17.99

Publishers Edition: $25.95

You pay: $0.20

George H. W. Bush


Timothy Naftali


From his privileged childhood to his harrowing experiences during WWII and his directorship of the Central Intelligence Agency, Naftali expertly traces Bush's rise through the ranks of Republican power.
Members Edition: $12.99

Publishers Edition: $22.00

You pay: $0.20

Richard M. Nixon


Elizabeth Drew


In this provocative and highly revealing portrait of one of America's most controversial and divisive leaders, Drew traces Nixon's career from his California youth to his rise within the ranks of the Republican Party.
Members Edition: $12.99

Publishers Edition: $22.00

You pay: $0.20

The Last Lecture


Randy Pausch


Expanding on his now-legendary lecture on how to live life well, this volume by the late Professor Randy Pausch encourages us to dream big, be strong in the face of adversity and help others achieve their own dreams.
Members Edition: $12.99

Publishers Edition: $21.95

You pay: $0.20

The Last Lecture (Large Print)


Randy Pausch

Lrg Print Hardcover

Expanding on his now-legendary lecture on how to live life well, this volume by the late Professor Randy Pausch encourages us to dream big, be strong in the face of adversity and help others achieve their own dreams.
Members Edition: $19.49

Publishers Edition: $32.95

You pay: $0.20

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