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Sample Christopher Rowley Books

Heavy Metal Pulp: Money Shot


Christopher Rowley


If Rook and Plesur are to survive the powerful forces that want them killed, they must locate the coordinates in Plesur's brain...and uncover the terrifying secret behind three code words: Operation Taste Imperative.
Members Edition: $9.95

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Heavy Metal Pulp: The Bloodstained Man


Christopher Rowley


Split up in the dangerous ruins of New Jersey, Det. Rook Venner, Mistress Julia and Plesur are hunted by factions who want to kill the pleasure mod...or capture her alive. Can they stay alive long enough to find out why?
Members Edition: $9.95

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Heavy Metal Pulp: Pleasure Model


Christopher Rowley


Who killed Gen. Sangacha, and what did his voluptuous-and illegal-pleasure model see? NY cop Rook Venner may be in too deep when shadowy assassins come after them both...and he starts to fall under Plesur's spell. Illus.
Members Edition: $9.95

You pay: $9.95

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