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Sample Kat Martin Books

Against the Law


Kat Martin


The most unsettled of the œno-account Raines boys, former Army Ranger Devlin Raines has long been protecting his heart from injury. But his latest case-and client-forces him to lay everything on the line.
Members Edition: $9.95

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Against The Odds


Kat Martin


P.I. Alex Justice must cope with sabotage, assassination attempts, and dangerous desire when a beautiful redhead hires him to help her to find an abandoned silver mine. Part of the white-hot Raines of Wind Canyon books.
Members Edition: $9.95

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Against The Sun


Kat Martin


Bullets fly and libidos rise when former Special Forces Marine Jake Cantrell agrees to protect sassy Sage Dumont and discovers that she's being targeted by an enemy more dangerous than any he's ever faced.
Members Edition: $9.95

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Against the Night


Kat Martin


Dangerous P.I. Johnny Riggs falls into a world of trouble when he meets a sexy little blonde schoolteacher who's posing as a stripper to find her missing sister. A sassy tale of romance, love and high adventure.
Members Edition: $9.95

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Against the Wind


Kat Martin


Jackson Raines' hate is overpowered by his sense of justice when Sarah-the high-school crush who humiliated him in front of the whole school years ago-shows up at his front door, penniless and on the run.
Members Edition: $9.95

You pay: $9.95

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