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Sample Lori Copeland Books

One True Love, Book 3


Lori Copeland


One True Love is the third captivating novel in Lori Copeland's popular Belles of Timber Creek series. Could the man who drives Copper crazy be the love she's searching for? Can she let her guard down and find out?
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Twice Loved


Lori Copeland


In book one of Lori Copeland's Belles of Timber Creek series, Willow vows she will take care of her friends and her ailing uncle, even if it means having to marry wealthy Silas Sterling, a man 30 years her senior.
Members Edition: $9.95

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A Plain & Simple Heart


Lori Copeland


Rebecca lost her heart to Jesse, a rugged cowboy on a cattle trail near the Amish settlement of Apple Grove. Now grown, she hears that he has been spotted nearby and her desire is simple-she must see him.
Members Edition: $9.95

You pay: $9.95

Love Blooms in Winter


Lori Copeland


God provides, even when nothing seems possible. An engagement, a runaway train and a town of quirky, loveable people are more of an adventure than Tom expects. And it's amazing what can bloom in winter with God.
Members Edition: $9.95

You pay: $9.95

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Crossings Book Club
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Rhapsody Book Club
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