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Sample Raymond E. Feist Books

At the Gates of Darkness


Raymond E. Feist


A bloody ritual in the Jal-Pur desert alerts Pug and the Conclave of Shadows to a coming demon onslaught. But what he and his friends encounter in the Valley of Lost Men is an enemy unlike any they have faced before.
Members Edition: $9.95

Publishers Edition: $26.00

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A Kingdom Besieged


Raymond E. Feist


The Chaoswar saga begins when Keshian invaders move against Krondor. But as Pug summons the Conclave of Shadows to stop the war, a monstrous darkness spreads, threatening to devour Midkemia in a magical apocalypse.
Members Edition: $9.95

Publishers Edition: $27.99

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A Crown Imperiled


Raymond E. Feist


Dark forces converege in Midkemia as the masterful, and final, Riftwar chronicle approaches its climax. Can Pug and the Conclave of Shadows stop the unknown player behind the conflicts that threaten to destroy Midkemia?
Members Edition: $9.95

Publishers Edition: $27.99

You pay: $9.95

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