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Sample Robin Jones Gunn Books

Cottage By the Sea


Robin Jones Gunn


Erin's bewildering journey tosses her through highs and lows of betrayal and renewal, wrong assumptions righted-and the brightest future she could ever hope for-as she sits beside her ailing father.
Members Edition: $9.95

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Love Finds You in Sunset Beach, Hawaii


Robin Jones Gunn


Sierra Jensen came to Sunset Beach to relax-not for romance-until she meets photographer Jordan Bryce, who's there to photograph the surfers-and they just may discover something better than either of them imagined.
Members Edition: $9.95

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Canary Island Song


Robin Jones Gunn


It's been 7 years since she lost her husband and it's time for Carolyn to get her heart back. As she attempts to create a more fulfilling life, she is nudged along by Bryan Spencer, her high school summer love.
Members Edition: $9.95

You pay: $9.95

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