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Sample Stan Nicholls Books

Orcs: Army of Shadows


Stan Nicholls


On a world where orcs are cruelly subjugated, Stryke and the Wolverines join the resistance and embark on a quest that will see them pursued by their most ruthless enemy and a mysterious troop bent on their destruction.
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Orcs: Bad Blood


Stan Nicholls


Stryke and his Wolverines have found peace, yet long for action. It comes when an unlikely ally implores them to return to the third world and save their kind from the savage human race. But can this ally be trusted?
Members Edition: $9.95

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Orcs (3-in-1)


Stan Nicholls


On Maras-Dantia, Elder races are losing ground to human invaders, and an elite warband of Orcs must get their world back under control. Includes Bodyguard of Lightning, Legion of Thunder and Warriors of the Tempest.
Members Edition: $9.95

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Orcs: Inferno


Stan Nicholls


The Wolverines launch a mission of vengeance against their nemesis Jennesta, who's captured their captain Stryke's mate Thirzarr. But can the hardy orcs survive when the devices they use to travel the worlds go haywire?
Members Edition: $9.95

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