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Sample Mercedes Lackey Books

Trio of Sorcery


Mercedes Lackey


The New York Times bestselling author presents three exciting new urban fantasy novellas featuring the first Diana Tregarde story in decades, a long-awaited Jennie Talldeer tale and a new heroine for the 21st century.
Members Edition: $9.95

Publishers Edition: $24.99

You pay: $9.95

Legacies: Shadow Grail #1


Mercedes Lackey


At Oakhurst Academy, where œLegacies learn to control their magic, students are disappearing and the school's covering it up. Can a group of friends find out what's happening...before they fall prey to danger?
Members Edition: $9.95

Publishers Edition: $18.99

You pay: $9.95

Shadow Grail #2: Conspiracies


Mercedes Lackey


Even after the Grail Knights' victory, Oakhurst Academy still isn't safe. Magical attacks persist, casting a spell of fear over the students. Can Spirit and her friends find out what's going on...before it's too late?
Members Edition: $9.95

Publishers Edition: $21.99

You pay: $9.95



Mercedes Lackey


In the third installment of The Collegium Chronicles, Magpie urgently pursues his quest for his parents' identity while also discovering another hidden talent and being trained as an undercover agent for Valdemar.
Members Edition: $9.95

Publishers Edition: $25.95

You pay: $9.95

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